Get productive and efficient! Save your money and time, and regain your confidence.

Take charge before it’s too late. 

Prevention is better than cure.

Take care of all pain physical and emotional, and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Does all the above sound relevant in our life? Does it feel scary thinking of the term pain, Yes it sounds scary because we lose our confidence whenever we go through any pain?

We lose time, money, mental peace, and efficiency. All these become a very good reason to shake our confidence.

I came across this interesting video on one of my WhatsApp groups and could not stop sharing it with my connection. 

We are professionals and we work day and night to meet our ends and goals in life. However, we tend to ignore our exercise and health. 

We procrastinate our exercise because it does not pay in short term and we are surely becoming too materialistic. A lack of retrospection hampers the whole process.

As we age we lose our muscle strength and we start getting pain, we end up taking painkillers and trying to pull it as much as possible.

We harm our minds, bone, and our family to a greater extent. We lose our peace, either we sulk or we get frustrated for no reason with our loved ones.

We start leading a life like a victim.

The important point is we must—-

  1. Take good care of health and strength training on daily basis.
  1. If miss exercise, just climbs up the stairs regularly. Go for walk.
  1. Sit cross-legged with back straight on regular basis.
  1. Watching videos will not help, Practice simultaneously.
  1. Challenge yourself and question yourself regularly.
  2. Feel and visualize good about everything. 
  1. Do not be dependent on painkillers. Try to strengthen the muscles by learning the right exercise.
  1. Your good health will allow you to get everything in this world. 
  1. Life is one, lead it the way you want, not the way the situation wants. 

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